To help determine how the cost of living at Valley Terrace compares with the cost of living at home or elsewhere, please see our simple Cost Comparison Work Sheet.

Information and Resources
Financial Options
This section contains information on a variety of helpful financial tools and programs to assist seniors and their families with addressing the affordability of assisted living at Valley Terrace.
Convert a Life Insurance Policy: Life Care Funding
The Life Care Funding Group offers to convert your life insurance policy into a long-term care benefit. There are no premiums or waiting periods for this Life Care Assurance Benefit. For more information, contact Life Care Funding Group at 1-800-670-7773 or visit
Claim Veterans Benefits: Aid and Attendance Program
Veterans and their spouses may be qualified to receive payments from the Aid and Attendance Program of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. This is a benefit paid in addition to a veterans pension. For more information, contact your Veterans Regional Office or visit
Open a Line of Credit: ElderLife
ElderLife Financial Services offers a line of credit that can bridge the gap in funding as you wait for veterans benefits to start or for the sale of a home. Payments can be sent directly to our business office each month at your request and they make it easy for multiple family members to share the care. For more information, contact ElderLife Financial Services at 1-888-228-4500 or visit
Share a Suite
Consider the advantages of rooming with another resident, a more affordable option, when available. Many residents appreciate and benefit from the added companionship.
Seek Tax Benefits
You may be eligible to deduct ALL or a substantial portion of your monthly rent as a medical deduction from your yearly tax assessment. The cost of assisted living may be tax deductible as a medical expense for both residents and family members who provide financial support. For more information see Tax Deductibility of Assisted Living Expenses (below), speak to your tax advisor, or visit
Tax Deductibility of Assisted Living Expenses
You may be eligible to deduct ALL or a substantial portion of your monthly rent as a medical deduction from your yearly tax assessment. The cost of assisted living may be tax deductible as a medical expense for both residents and family members who provide financial support.
Medical Expense Deduction
Internal Revenue Code Section 213 (a) provides an itemized deduction for unreimbursed medical expenses to the extent that such expenses exceed 7.5% of adjusted gross income. Treasury Department Regulations state that the extent to which expenses for care in a facility other than a hospital are deductible depends on the condition of the individual and the nature of the services received. It does not depend on the nature of the facility.
The cost of medical care, meals and lodging is deductible when the principal reason for residing at Terrace Communities is for medical care. Medical reasons may include the following:
- Resident is unable to perform, without substantial assistance, at least two out of six activities of daily living (eating, toileting, transferring, bathing, dressing, continence) for a period of at least 90 days due to a loss of functional capacity, OR
- Resident requires substantial supervision to protect him or herself from threats to health and safety due to cognitive impairment.
When the principal reason for residing at Terrace Communities is not medical care, medical costs may be deductible, but meals and lodging expenses are not deductible.
Claiming Resident as a Dependent
If a family member pays for all or a portion of the cost of the facility, he or she may be able to take the medical deduction if the resident of the facility qualifies as the payer's dependent.
We recommend that you consult with a tax advisor to determine the potential tax treatment in your particular circumstances. Please refer to the Internal Revenue Code Sections 7702B(c)(1), 213 and 4980C and Notice 97-31, 1997-21, IRB, 05-06-97 at
Caregiver Library
These resources are shared to help caregivers with some of the most common challenges they face. From communicating with a physician to caring long distance, we hope these guides will support you in your caregiver role.
Alzheimer's Caregiver Guide
Alzheimer's Caregiver Guide - Tips for helping caregivers cope with a loved one's Alzheimer's diagnosis.
Partnering with Your Loved One's Physician
Partnering with Your Loved One's Physician - Learning how to work with physicians in diagnosis and care of your loved one.
So Far Away: Advice for Long Distance Caregivers
So Far Away: Advice for Long Distance Caregivers - Answers to questions for long distance care giving.
Managing Your Health
Health & Wellness
Being proactive in managing your health is the best way to maintain your optimum quality of life. We've pulled together information on a wide variety of wellness topics ranging from ways to manage arthritis to taking charge of your diabetes.
Alzheimer's Tips - Quick tips to use during a dementia crisis.
Alzhemier's Disease-Unraveling the mystery
Alzhemier's Disease-Unraveling the mystery - Research to understand the difference between the healthy brain and an Alzheimer's brain.
Alzheimer's - What to do Booklet
Alzheimer's - What to do Booklet - What you need to know and do for Alzheimer's disease.
What Happens Next
What Happens Next - A booklet to use after the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease.
Preventing Alzheimer's
Preventing Alzheimer's - The search for prevention and cure of Alzheimer's Disease.
Arthritis Advice
Arthritis Advice - Learning to understand arthritis and its many forms.
Osteoporosis - Understanding Osteoporosis: The Bone Thief.
Depression and Aging
Depression and Aging - How to recognize when "the blues" may actually be a sign of depression.
Forgetfulness - The importance of knowing when to ask for help for forgetfulness.
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure - Why high blood pressure is often referred to as "the silent killer."
Stroke Symptoms
Stroke Symptoms - Understanding the importance of a quick response to the symptoms of stroke.
NIH on Heart Health
NIH on Heart Health - Helpful tips from NIH to keep your heart healthy.
Aging Heart and Arteries
Aging Heart and Arteries - The effect of the aging process on hearts and arteries.
Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth
Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth - Understanding the role dental health plays in overall health.
Take Charge of Your Diabetes
Take Charge of Your Diabetes - A guide for tracking and controlling your diabetes.
Exercise and Physical Activity
Exercise and Physical Activity - What the NIH says about exercise and physical activity.
Yoga and Back Pain
Yoga and Back Pain - Eliminating pain through yoga.
Senior Chair Exercises
Senior Chair Exercises - You can get exercise even while sitting in a chair!
Dietary Supplements
Dietary Supplements - Adding needed nutrients to your diet through the use of supplements.
My Plate for Older Adults
My Plate for Older Adults - Monitoring your nutrient intake through the use of My Plate.
Food Pyramid
Food Pyramid - Modifications to the food pyramid for older adults.
Dietary Guidelines
Dietary Guidelines - Tips for defining health eating.
Skin Care and Aging
Skin Care and Aging - The importance of keeping our skin healthy as we age.
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence - Solutions to your urinary incontinence problems.
Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss - Coping with the effects of hearing loss on your life.
Smell and Taste
Smell and Taste - Understanding and help with the loss of smell and taste.
Your Guide to Healthy Sleep
Your Guide to Healthy Sleep - A guide for understanding the importance of sleep.
Health Benefits of Volunteering
Health Benefits of Volunteering - Volunteering might mean you receive more that you give!
Legal & Financial
Our legal and financial section is devoted to information of interest to older adults. We share resources that range from understanding your Medicare benefit to advance care planning.
5 Wishes
5 Wishes - A document to help you control the way you are treated during a serious illness.
Advance Care Planning
Advance Care Planning - National Institutes on Health (NIH) shares tips for advanced care planning.
Getting Your Affairs in Order
Getting Your Affairs in Order - Avoid a crisis by getting your affairs in order.
Medicare and You Guidelines
Medicare and You Guidelines - The official US government 2014 Medicare handbook.
Medicare Basics for Family
Medicare Basics for Family - A guide for family and friends of people with Medicare.
Medicare Preventive Services
Medicare Preventive Services - Learn how Medicare helps you stay healthy through prevention and detection services.
Retirement Living
Our Retirement Living resources covers information about each type of senior care. From aging in place to nursing homes, we think this information will help you better understand your options.
Choosing Assisted Living
Choosing Assisted Living - Guide to helping families choose an assisted living community for a loved one. Written and developed by the Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA).
Making the Transition to Assisted Living
Making the Transition to Assisted Living - National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) offers advice on making the transition from home to assisted living. Tips on everything from privacy to visitors.
Your Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home
Your Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid share step-by-step advice for choosing a nursing home and resources to help a loved one receive the best possible care.
Senior Safety
This section of our resource center combines information on a variety of senior safety issues. We share everything from tools to help evaluate a seniors driving to a checklist for preventing falls at home.
Dementia and Driving
Dementia and Driving - Great resource for families struggling with the difficult conversation about driving and dementia. Advice for balancing safety with independence.
Older Drivers
Older Drivers - Learn how aging affects our ability to be a safe driver. This resource addresses everything from vision to medication side effects.
Staying Safe with Dementia
Staying Safe with Dementia - A must-read for families of a loved one with dementia. Offers safety advice on wandering, driving, traveling and more.
Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse - This resource from the National Institute on Aging tackles all the different forms of elder abuse and how to recognize the warning signs that someone you know might be a victim.
Falls and Fractures
Falls and Fractures - How to advice on fall proofing your senior loved one's home from the National Institute on Aging.
Preventing Falls
Preventing Falls - The Center for Disease Control (CDC) shares suggestions for starting a community-based fall prevention program.
Preventing Falls at Home
Preventing Falls at Home - Fall prevention checklist from aging experts at Eldercare Locator.
Safety Fall Prevention
Safety Fall Prevention - This in-home safety checklist from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) can help you assess a senior loved one's home for fall prevention risks.
Fire Safety Checklist
Fire Safety Checklist - Comprehensive guide from the U.S. Fire Administration on fire risks for seniors and how to prevent them.
Safe Use of Medicine
Safe Use of Medicine - Medication errors are one of the top ten reasons seniors are admitted to hospitals. This guide can help you evaluate and manage your loved one's medications.
How to Avoid Scams and Fraud
How to Avoid Scams and Fraud - Seniors are often the target of scams and fraud. This helpful guide from the Pennsylvania Attorney General offers tips to recognize and report a scam.
Senior Services Organizations
1650 King Street, Suite 602, Alexandria, VA 22314
Leading national trade association serving companies that own, operate, and support professionally managed senior living communities in the United States.
Alzheimer's Association
Alzheimer's Association
225 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 6061
Information on diagnosis, treatment, patient care, caregiver needs, long-term care, education and training, and research related to Alzheimer's disease.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
601 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20049
Nationwide membership organization providing information on topics such as healthcare, employment security, and retirement planning as well as discounts on a variety of products, travel, and services.
National Council on Aging
National Council on Aging
1901 L. Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
Programs available to help families with the cost of health care.
Center for Excellence in Assisted Living
Center for Excellence in Assisted Living
2342 Oak Street, Falls Church, VA 22046
A national resource for materials and information about assisted living.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21214
The federal agency that administers Medicare and works with the states on the administration of Medicaid.
Eldercare Locator
Eldercare Locator
Nationwide service that helps identify local resources for families and seniors.
National Institute on Aging Information Center
National Institute on Aging Information Center
31 Center Drive, MSC 2292, Bethesda, MD 20892
Free information on a wide variety of subjects on issues affecting seniors.
Family Caregiver Alliance
Family Caregiver Alliance
785 Market Street, Suite 750, San Francisco, CA 94103
Information, education, services and advocacy for caregivers.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
1731 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Professional association for hospices that provides resources and information for the public.